Cannabis edibles have become increasingly popular in recent years as more states in the US and countries around the world have legalized cannabis for medical and/or recreational use. Edibles are a discreet and convenient way to consume cannabis, and they offer a range of benefits that smoking or vaping cannot match.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of cannabis edibles and why they are a great option for anyone who wants to experience the therapeutic effects of cannabis without the harmful effects of smoking.


One of the biggest benefits of cannabis edibles is their long-lasting effects. When you smoke or vape cannabis, the effects are typically felt within minutes, but they only last for a few hours. With edibles, however, the effects can last for up to eight hours or more, depending on the dose and the individual’s metabolism.

This extended duration of effects is particularly beneficial for people who are using cannabis for medical purposes. For example, people with chronic pain or anxiety may find that edibles provide relief for several hours, allowing them to go about their daily activities without having to constantly re-dose.


Edibles are also discreet and convenient. Unlike smoking or vaping, which can be quite conspicuous and often require a specific location, edibles can be consumed anywhere and at any time. They are also easy to transport and store, making them a great option for people who are always on the go.

In addition, edibles come in a variety of forms, such as gummies, chocolates, and baked goods, making them a tasty and enjoyable way to consume cannabis. They are also easy to dose, with most products providing clear instructions on the amount of THC (the psychoactive compound in cannabis) per serving.


Smoking cannabis can have a range of harmful effects on the lungs and respiratory system, particularly when smoked in large quantities or over a long period of time. Edibles, on the other hand, are ingested and metabolized by the liver, bypassing the lungs altogether.

This means that edibles are a great option for people who are concerned about the health risks associated with smoking or who have respiratory issues such as asthma. They are also a good option for people who want to avoid the strong smell that often accompanies smoking cannabis.


One of the biggest challenges with smoking or vaping cannabis is the difficulty of accurately dosing the amount of THC consumed. With edibles, however, the dosage is clearly indicated on the packaging, making it easy to control the amount of THC consumed.

This is particularly beneficial for people who are new to cannabis or who have a low tolerance for THC. By starting with a small dose and gradually increasing it over time, they can find the optimal level of THC for their needs without the risk of overconsumption.


Finally, edibles may offer enhanced therapeutic effects compared to smoking or vaping cannabis. When cannabis is ingested, it is metabolized into a compound called 11-hydroxy-THC, which has a more potent psychoactive effect than THC itself.

In addition, the effects of edibles are more gradual and longer-lasting than smoking or vaping, which can be beneficial for people who are using cannabis for medical purposes. For example, people with anxiety may find that the gradual onset of edibles provides a more sustained and controlled effect, helping to reduce anxiety over a longer period of time.


Cannabis edibles offer a range of benefits that make them a great option for anyone who wants to experience the therapeutic effects of cannabis without the harmful effects of smoking. From their long-lasting effects to their discreet and convenient form, edibles are a safe and enjoyable way to consume cannabis.

Cannabis Terms

THC is one of the most commonly known cannabinoids, which are the active ingredients within the cannabis plant. THC-rich strains are euphoric, to varying degrees.

CBD is the other most commonly known cannabinoid and is less euphoric than THC, if at all. CBD delivers various restorative qualities, including inflammation relief.

Strains refer to the thousands of different varietals of cannabis flower, each with a unique flavor and different effect(s) based on their active ingredients.

Sativa refers to cannabis flower strains from closer to the equator and are believed to have more “energetic” effects.

Indica refers to strains cultivated from more northern latitudes and are believed to have more “relaxing” effects.

Hybrid refers to Sativa and Indica strains that have been cross-cultivated to produce cannabinoids with more balanced effects.

Terpenes are the oils secreted by cannabis plants that give each strain a unique smell and taste and may also enhance effects.

Dosing refers to the consumption of small doses of cannabis edibles, making it convenient and manageable per individual preference. In California, the “maximum” dose is 10mg of THC.