Tinctures are made by infusing cannabinoids into alcohol, coconut oil or vinegar. They are a low-cost, discreet and flexible way to ingest cannabis. Dropped under the tongue, their effect is similar to inhaled cannabis, with almost immediate onset. When swallowed with a beverage, the effect is similar to edibles: onset takes up to one hour, and effect can last six hours or longer. Sublinguals are dissolved on, or under, the tongue. Many of these products have a high ratio of CBD and have been reported to assist with anxiety and help control seizures in children. Many tinctures do contain THC, so it is important to read the label for THC/CBD amount and recommended consumption instructions. Ask a Silver Lake Caregivers Cannabis Consultant for more information.

  • Many tinctures are CBD-rich, but some contain THC. Read the label carefully and follow consumption instructions. Remember to go low and slow at first.
  • Taken sublingually, tinctures are a great alternative to inhaled cannabis. They have almost the same effect profile, without the wear and tear on your lungs.
  • Tinctures are discreet. Nobody needs to know what’s in the little bottle—unless you tell them.

Cannabis Terms

THC is one of the most commonly known cannabinoids, which are the active ingredients within the cannabis plant. THC-rich strains are euphoric, to varying degrees.

CBD is the other most commonly known cannabinoid and is less euphoric than THC, if at all. CBD delivers various restorative qualities, including inflammation relief.

Strains refer to the thousands of different varietals of cannabis flower, each with a unique flavor and different effect(s) based on their active ingredients.

Sativa refers to cannabis flower strains from closer to the equator and are believed to have more “energetic” effects.

Indica refers to strains cultivated from more northern latitudes and are believed to have more “relaxing” effects.

Hybrid refers to Sativa and Indica strains that have been cross-cultivated to produce cannabinoids with more balanced effects.

Terpenes are the oils secreted by cannabis plants that give each strain a unique smell and taste and may also enhance effects.

Dosing refers to the consumption of small doses of cannabis edibles, making it convenient and manageable per individual preference. In California, the “maximum” dose is 10mg of THC.